Pre-requisite knowledge assumed: OCaml | Tail-recursion

I’ve always found continuation-passing-style (CPS) one of the more an elusive concept to grasp. Today I came across a simple tree traversal problem that helped me work through some of that complexity.

The Problem

Suppose you are given an integer value target and a binary tree whereby each node has a integer value assigned to it. Identify if a path exists from the root to leaf whereby the total sum of the path equates to target.

Solution 1: Classic recursion

At first glance, this question can be solved with the classic recursive approach. That is, we recursively traverse down the tree until we hit a leaf node as our base case. Along the way, we subtract the value of the current node from the target and pass on the difference. In the base case, we now have the result whether the sum of the path is equal to the target and we will need to bubble up the result. In OCaml, we would have something like

type 'a node =
  | Lf
  | Br of 'a * 'a node * 'a node

let rec find_path node target =
  match node with
  | Lf -> target = 0
  | Br (v, l, r) ->
      let lv = find_path l (target - v) in
      let rv = find_path r (target - v) in
      lv || rv

This works, but it’s very memory intensive. The recursive calls blow up the stack with a lot of pending function frames. Can we do better? More precisely, can we make this function tail-recursive?

Not all functions are created equal. Some happen to be easier to be converted their tail-recursive counterparts. Unfortunately, find_path is one of those difficult functions. The reasons why this is the case currently escapes me and will be tackled in a later post. For now, let’s assume that to be the case. (Or you can try to come up with the tail-recursive solution yourself)

Solution 2: CPS transformation

Turns out, the way to convert such a function to a tail-recursive version is to leverage the idea of continuations. There’s a lot of technical literature on the topic obfuscating what the term refers to. To my mind, it just means “what is next thing to do”. In other words, if you ran a program and paused it at some arbitrary point (think a debugger), what’s left to do is the continuation of that program. So continuation-passing-style, is a way of programming where we explicitly pass functions “the next thing to do”. What does that look like in code? Instead of functions returning values to the caller, we can design functions that return with a new function call.

let find_path_cps node target =
  let rec aux node target k =
    match node with
    | Lf -> k (0 = target)
    | Br (v, l, r) ->
        aux l (target - v) (fun lv ->
            aux r (target - v) (fun rv ->
                k (lv || rv)))
  aux node target

This looks confusing and it is. I took some time to really process what exactly is going on in this function. Let’s start with the most obvious. Firstly our cps version defines an auxiliary function with an added parameter k that stands for continuation. This parameter can be thought of as a kind of accumulator that builds up the things “left to do” in the same way that the recursive solution builds up stack frames to keep track of pending computation to execute later. In CPS we don’t leave anything in the stack pending instead by passing the continuation represented by a function to the next recursive call. In such a way, our cps inspired function is now tail-recursive by passing around a function pointer.

Solution 3: Short-circuiting CPS

Reducing memory usage is one of the main advantages of CPS but it also allows us to “short-circuit” functions. Specifically for the case of find_path we could design it in such a way to “forget” about what’s left to do and have an escape hatch that allows us to return early once we found a path that exists.

let find_path_cps_fast node target =
  let rec aux node target k =
    match node with
    | Lf -> k (0 = target)
    | Br (v, l, r) ->
        aux l (target - v) (fun lv ->
            aux r (target - v) (fun rv ->
                if lv then true else k rv))
  aux node target

In this new implementation, we insert a conditional within the continuation to ignore searching down the right subtree.


Initializing a balanced binary tree of height=26 => 67108863 nodes with a single valid path down the left spine, we get the following results

        recursive: 13.87 WALL (13.87 usr +  0.00 sys = 13.87 CPU) @  0.72/s (n=10)
              cps: 18.27 WALL (18.27 usr +  0.00 sys = 18.27 CPU) @  0.55/s (n=10)
cps short circuit:  0.00 WALL ( 0.00 usr +  0.00 sys =  0.00 CPU) @ 3333333.34/s (n=10)

Clearly, the test case is skewed to show the best performance of the cps short circuiting function. If the valid path was down the right of the tree, we would get similarly bad performance as the cps implementation. What’s interesting is perhaps the bad performance of our cps implementation. My guess is that whilst we are saving on stack memory, we have moved the recursion into heap memory by allocating pointers onto the heap which is invariably slower.

This finding motivated me to dig into seeing when we actually benefit from writing stack-saving cps functions. For this particular case, our recursive call depth is limited by the height of the tree which is pretty shallow, not nearly big enough to burst the stack. This means that one needs to consider the actual depth of the recursive calls and whether they realistically place any stress on the stack. A traversal over a list is perhaps a more motivating case for a CPS transformation than our tree here. In fact, I ended up running out of memory just by the allocation of the tree alone. To which we come to the second interesting observation, you need to consider that your CPS function will be competing with your data structure (if any) for resources on the heap. For most user programs, we don’t usually get that kind of scale for data structures anyway. It usually makes sense to opt for the simpler recursive solution.

(In utop and OCaml bytecode programs, the stack limit is 1024k words whilst natively compiled programs depend on the system limits which is 8192 in my case)

Food for thought: Continuations are an abstraction of the program stack