Pre-requisite knowledge assumed: Python

Dynamic-Programming (DP) is one of those things that makes my brain overheat. To a first approximation, DP is an algorithmic trick that improves the time complexity of otherwise exponential algorithms. DP manages this because it avoids doing unnecessary re-computation - A common feature that causes problems to grow exponentially. Instead of re-computing something we’ve already done before, DP says “let’s store this result because I’ll have to refer back to it”. Sound simple? In practice, not so much. This post tries to provide a clear step by step to approach such problems.

When does DP apply?

The first thing that makes DP challenging is that it’s not clear when it applies. I believe there’s no simple way to figure it out either. So far, I use some heuristics like thinking about if the problem asks for “an optimal combination”. This usually means that the brute force solution would have you calculate all possibilities to find the best one. This is the dead giveaway that your algorithm diverges. That said, sometimes problems that seem like DP could actually just by a simple Greedy algorithm, so it’s worth trying that approach first before committing to DP.

A Problem

Calculate the i-th term Fibonacci sequence

Fib(n) = Fib(n-1) + Fib(n-2)

Naive solution

This is pretty much in your face exponential because of the recursive definition. Implementing it recursively is basically brute force and would yield exponential time complexity

def fib(n):
    if n <= 1:
        return 1
        return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)

Looking Top-down

The problem with our recursive solution is that we have a lot of branching and incur many repeated sub-computation.

             /      \
        fib(3)       fib(2)
        /   \        /    \
    fib(2)  fib(1) fib(1) fib(0)
    /    \
fib(1)  fib(0)

We can see that *fib(2)* is repeated 2 times and fib(1) and
fib(0), 3 and 2 times respectively.

One way to visualize your algorithm is to think if the evaluation expands into a N-branch tree. In that case, you can start think if you can leverage Memoization. Memoization is the one of two DP approaches. As per the name, here the memo is where we are going to save the result of some sub-computation and lookup later when we need it. How we’ll do this is to add a table lookup just before we descend into the recursion and make sure to save the results into the table when we get them.

memo = dict()

def fib(n):
    if n in memo: return memo[n]
    if n <= 1:
        return 1
        res = fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)
        memo[n] = res
        return res

If you can’t yet tell, this basically causes the recursion to short-circuit because it can find the previously computed results in the table. Our runtime is significantly better since we only really descend down the left side of the tree and every subsequent right child’s result cost a single constant lookup. Something to note about the time complexity is that this is O(n), not O(log(n)). You might be quick to assume that because of the tree I drew but actually we descend n times down the left side, so we haven’t split the problem in half.

We call this a top-down approach because the recursive call begins at the top and bottoms out at the base case and builds back up the result.

From Bottom-up

The second technique DP technique is called Tabulation. With this method, we skip the recursion downward and just start directly from the base case and build the result up. We also use a table to keep track and reference our previous results. Our Fibonacci problem is not the most motivating case for a table (explained later) but I will demonstrate it anyway. For intuition, instead of trying to calculate our results from the top, notice that working from the bottom pretty easy. That is, we can find fib(2) easily because it is fib(1) + fib(0) which we know to be 1 + 1 effectively. Then fib(3) is fib(2) + fib(1) and we just calculated the result of fib(2), and so forth.

def fib(n):
    tbl = [0] * n
    tbl[0], tbl[1] = 1, 1
    for i in range(2, n):
        tbl[i] = tbl[i-1] + tbl[i-2]
    return tbl[n-1]

In this implementation, we iteratively calculate up toward the value that we want using the result of previous calculated result. Leveraging the same idea used in memoization, just in a different style.

This is bottom-up because we start directly from the base case. An interesting note is that memoization usually involves recursion and tabulation uses simple iteration so it is generally faster because it doesn’t need to allocate stack frames for the recursive function calls.

A Harder Problem

As alluded to, using tabulation for the Fibonnacci problem is unnecessary here because we only really need to keep track of one variable to calculate the subsequent result. Tabulation shines when there are multiple “choices” to be made. Let’s see an example:

“The assembly-line problem: Given 2 assembly lines, each with M stations where M is some given integer value representing the time taken at the station. Determine the shortest path that can be taken through the factory if there is also a cost to transferring between assembly lines”

Line1: 5 -> 2  -> 10 -> 7
Line2: 1 -> 12 -> 1  -> 1

Line1 to Line2 transfer cost: [2, 1,  5]
Line2 to Line1 transfer cost: [1, 12, 15]

The optimal solution is the following:
Line1:    5    2   10   7
             /   \
         +1 /     \ +1
           /       \
Line2: -> 1    12    1 -> 1  => 1 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 7

It’s worth looking first what the recursive solution might look like

def path(l1, l2, l1_l2, l2_l1):
    length = len(l1)
    def aux(i, line, line_other, switch, switch_other):
        if i == 0:
            return line[0]
        elif i == length:
            return min(aux(i-1, l1, l2, l2_l1, l1_l2), aux(i-1, l2, l1, l1_l2, l2_l1))
            stay = aux(i-1, line, line_other, switch, switch_other)
            switch = aux(i-1, line_other, line, switch_other, switch) + switch[i-1]
            return min(stay, switch) + line[i]
    return aux(length, l1, l2, l2_l1, l1_l2)

As you can see, we have to keep track of multiple variables in our aux recursive function which makes the code rather clunky. Adding in memoization would just make it even more complex. Now look at the tabulation solution

def path_tab(l1, l2, l1_l2, l2_l1):
    length = len(l1)
    for i in range(1, length):
        l1[i] += min(l1[i-1], l2[i-1] + l2_l1[i-1])
        l2[i] += min(l2[i-1], l1[i-1] + l1_l2[i-1])
    return min(l1[length-1], l2[length-1])

The iterative solution to my mind is much easier to follow what is going and also overall cleaner. Unlike the recursive solution, we don’t have to pass on variables to the next recursive call.


This sums up the introduction to Dynamic programming, why it works, when it applies and the trade-off between the two main techniques.

When you see branching with similar looking sub-branches, it’s probably going to need DP.